All Natural

Only the highest quality ingredients have been chosen to enhance energy levels and promote long-term health. M1 not only tastes great but also delivers high density nutrition, free from synthetic additives or preservatives, empowering you to lead an active and well-balanced lifestyle.

No Added Sugar

With a complete omission of added sugars, M1 relies exclusively on the innate sweetness of natural sugars, a choice that supports healthier blood sugar levels and fosters a more balanced and nourishing way to deliver calories while prioritizing your overall well-being.

Low Glycemic

M1 is carefully curated with only low glycemic ingredients, which play a pivotal role in preventing energy spikes, eliminating late morning crashes and supporting sustained energy and focus throughout the day.

No Fillers

One of our extraordinary distinctions lies in the absence of any fillers, a deliberate choice that ensures you receive the best ingredients in their purest and most concentrated form, reducing unnecessary bulkiness while maximizing your ability to accomplish your mission, with no compromise on taste or quality.

Proud Supporter

Sworn to protect us from America's foes. They operate under cover of darkness, against unimaginable odds. Not for status. Not for glory. But to defend our way of life. With strength, courage, and honor. And so we stand with our SEALs, SWCCs, veterans, and their families as a nation of unwavering support. Even when out of sight, they are always top of mind.

Meal1 donates 5% of profits to provide support to our active duty SEAL and SWCC warriors, veterans, and their families.

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